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Cancellation Policy
What is the cancellation policy?
- 100% refund for cancellations 14 or more days before check-in.
- 50% refund for cancellations between 7 and 14 days before check-in.
- No refund for cancellations 7 days or less before check-in.
We do consider refund requests beyond those criteria, but only under specific conditions.
A refund will be provided if there are issues with the space that we are unable to resolve, even after support requests have been made. Nook & Co. is committed to creating exceptional spaces, and we encourage you to thoroughly review the property details and offerings before making a reservation.
Please note:
Refunds will not be issued for cancellations due to personal reasons. We reserve the right to deny a refund request that falls outside of our policy if we do not find the reason to be valid.
If you still have questions, please reach out to us at
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